God is Infinite
“Infinity and beyond” has been a popular catchphrase since Pixar’s Toy Story, but what exactly is beyond infinity?
God is Triune
The Trinity has been heralded as a foundational truth concerning God since the beginning, but we largely dismiss it as lacking practicality. Is the Trinity important? How is it useful?
God is One
The voice of Scripture tells us over and over that God is one, but “one” has more than one meaning! How is God one?
The Middle Matters
Our society has robbed the beginning and end of life of meaning. So what does that mean for the middle?
A Fruitful Diagnostic
Everyone wants to be fruitful, but what kind of fruit should we produce?
2023 Raymond Presbyterian Reading Challenge
Here is a game where the rules are made up and the points don’t matter! Will you join us in the first annual Raymond Presbyterian Reading Challenge?
Don’t Cheapen Christmas
Consumerism has cheapened Christmas. How can we restore value to Christ’s name?