Removal By Addition
What if the answer to anxiety wasn’t removing a problem but adding something else?
Answer to Anxiety
What does our anxiety say about our heart? About our beliefs, values, and commitments?
A Reminder for Modern Man
What does modern man need to be reminded of? What have we lost in our day and age?
What Is Valuable To God?
What does God count as most valuable? How does this affect our judgment?
Where Loyalties Lie
Where do our loyalties lie? For where our loyalties lie, so our service thrives.
Is Looking For Free?
Is looking for free? Or does our heart pay for our desires from another account?
Location of the Heart
Our hearts are as slippery as a greased pig. How can we know them? How can our treasures help us find them?
Great Than the Federal Deficit
The federal deficit is of proportions larger than any can count, but how does it stack up to other debts?
Do I Need To Be Forgiven Again?
If Christ has forgiven me all my sins, then why do I need to keep asking for it?
Daily Dependence
Prayer is the language of creaturely dependence. How far does that dependence go?
What Is God’s Will For My Life?
The most common pastoral question is: “What is God’s will for my life?” Shouldn’t we know the answer to that if we are going to pray for it?
Kingdom Warfare
In a day and age where we are faced with global warfare, we must lift our eyes and see a cosmic war raging above all. When will this war end?
A Willing and Able Father
The preface the Lord’s Prayer provides more than direction; it provides a Person who hears us and who loves us.
God’s Ability and God’s Action
What we believe about God’s ability translates directly into what we believe about God’s action. If this is the case, what does it mean that “God sees”?
Stop Aiming for “Picture Perfect”
In a day when peer pressure is dialed up to an infinite degree, how can we live for the glory of God?