What’s In a Name?

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” (Matthew 6:9)

What is prayer? Prayer is asking God for things which he has promised in His Word. Of all the various promises in Scripture, none is more prevalent than the hallowing of God’s name, the setting apart of God’s name, the glorifying of God’s name. Therefore, the Lord’s Prayer starts us off with that which is of prime importance – God’s name (Ps. 83:18). The day will come when eternity leaves behind daily bread, when the books close on the forgiveness of debts; but the hallowing of God’s name will continue forever. As we often sing:

When we’ve been there ten thousand years,

Bright shining as the sun,

We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise

Than when we first begun.

The question then becomes: what is so important about God’s name? If I say Nick Saban, Lynyrd Skynyrd, or Joe Biden, their names instantly draw to mind their person, their words, and their work. What do we think of when we hear God’s name? Do we think of His titles – Creator (Is. 40:28), Redeemer (Is. 54:8), Judge (Gen. 18:25), Shepherd (Ps. 23:1)? Do we meditate of His attributes – infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth? Do we reflect on His works of creation, providence, and redemption? Or do we think of nothing? Or do we treat His name as a light and vain thing?

The heart of this petition is that God would enable us to hallow, to glorify His name in our thoughts, words, and deeds. Epictetus once said, “What else can a lame man like myself do but praise God? Were I a nightingale, I would perform the part of a nightingale. Were I a swam, I would perform the part of a swam. But since I am a man, my duty is to praise god. This is my business. This I will follow.” The Lord’s Prayer places the hallowing of God’s name first in our prayer because it should be first in our life. The psalmist asked God to “teach me your way, and I will glorify your name forever.” (Ps. 86:10-13) Our life’s work should be growing in awe and wonder of His name that we may glorify Him in all places. Every person who reads this paper has a difference sphere of influence. From the center of Raymond to Riggs Manor, are we glorifying God’s name in our own sphere of influence? From our salvation to our supper, all things exists for the hallowing of His name. Do we employ all of which God has given us to bring Him glory?


Kingdom Warfare


A Willing and Able Father