Apples Don’t Fall Far From Trees
Good common sense says that “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” How does our action reveal what sort of apple we are?
Vows To Our Own Hurt
In a day and age when words are cheap, why does the Bible command us to take vows to our own hurt?
Don’t Let the Lilies Fester
Marriage was once the “lily of the valley.” How do we keep the lilies from festering?
Deadly Diseases, Drastic Cures
In an age of images abounding, what are the drastic measures the Lord prescribes for our soul?
A Gospel Mirror
Once, two men were working on a roof when, lo and behold, they tumbled down a large chimney. Reaching the bottom unscathed, one man’s face was as black as midnight while the other man’s arm protected his face from the soot. Now, before the two men went back to work, the man with the clean face washed while the sooty-faced man did not. Can you figure out why?
A Call to Greatness
Do you want to be great in the kingdom of heaven? Do you want to do great things for God on earth? Greatness is a call to law-keeping.
Do We Need the Law?
In every generation, there arises someone who says to the effect, “We don’t need the Old Testament!” Do we?
New Series: The Apostles’ Creed
As we begin a new sermon series, let us begin by asking a simple question: why creeds? And why this one?
Suffering, then Glory
The paradigm of Scripture is clear - suffering, then glory. Why is this order so important to remember?
Strive for Peace
The very anatomy of man is built for peace, but how can we find peace in times of war?
Keep the Water Clean
Watchfulness is an underrated spiritual discipline with the biggest reward, but how can we watch our hearts?
“Lord, Have Mercy!”
“Lord, have mercy!” has filled Southern homes for decades, but when will we have mercy?