Strive for Peace
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
War drums from a foreign land reverberate throughout our country. Countries funnel propaganda through all the grape vines of social media. Husbands, fathers, and sons prepare to step foot on foreign soil. Wives will be widowed and children orphaned in a foreign war; families in pieces for the sake of peace. If we were honest with ourselves, these things could be spoken of Raymond as much as Ukraine. We may exchange sniper fire for snide remarks, but every community is a battle ground between old foes and former friends. On the days when no harm is done, the hostility remains. Worldly peace is the end of harm, but godly peace is the end of hostilities.
The godly man aims for more than the cessation of harm; the godly man aims for the end of hostilities. Was this not the aim of Christ? As Paul says: Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, since Christ reconciled us both to God through the cross, thereby killing the hostility, we have peace with God. Christ endured the harm to end the hostilities. Christ silenced the war drums of wrath with his stripes upon the cross. Risen and reigning, He gives faith and repentance to His people; as the Prince of Peace, He gives peace, and he maintains peace.
What of God’s adopted sons? What of the godly man? If our Heavenly Father would pawn the prized pearl of heaven to purchase our peace, how much more should we endeavor to end hostilities? Thomas Watson says, “The lion has his paw, the boar his tusks, the bee his sting. Only man has none of these weapons. He comes naked and unarmed into the world as if God would have him be a peaceable creature.” Created to be peaceable, redeemed to be peacemakers – these are the marks of the godly man. Are we burying the hatchet? Turning our swords into plowshares? Snuffing out strife? Are we being peacemakers?