Judge Not

“Judge not, that you be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1)

Your Pastor on Paper (POP) does not often wade into touchy subjects, nor do I garner much enjoyment from it. However, today I will, for this matter affects the life and godliness of God’s people. What matter am I referring to? “Judge not, that you be not judged.” This verse ranks as one of the most misused verses in all of Holy Scripture, and it has often been used to excuse a multitude of sin. Haven’t you heard it? You mention to someone that they have fallen into scandal or wrongdoing, and their response is this passage. Before we ascertain Jesus’ true meaning, let us discuss the problems arising from such misuse.

If we cannot pass any judgment whatsoever, how would you be able to parent your children? Would it not be an act of unkindness to allow them to live in harmful ways? How could we judge the quality of the craftsmanship of the men building and repairing our homes? If your contractor cuts corners that dangerously imperil the life of your children, will you rest easy saying, “You know, I shouldn’t judge him.” Of course not! At some level, we all pass judgment. Those who use this passage to skirt Justice’s piercing gaze are typically those who know themselves to be most guilty.

What exactly does Jesus mean? Jesus does not command the abolishing of the law court nor the honest assessment of another; Jesus condemns being censorious, overly critical, harsh and destructive. John Stott says: “The censorious critic is a fault-finder who is negative and destructive towards other people and enjoys actively seeking out their failings.” Jesus condemns not the friend who seeks a brother’s repair; instead, Jesus condemns the nagger and naysayer whose goal in life is to impugn every motive, to criticize every accomplishment, and to blot out every rising star from the skyline.

Why am I telling you this? If someone comes to you with a negative assessment, don’t quote this verse. From many years of soul-searching and personal experience, I promise that you are far worse than they know. If you are the one giving the assessment, quote this verse to yourself. Enter into critique with the kindness and gentleness of a beloved friend, not with the fiery rhetoric of a demeaning judge.


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