FEAST Group 2025
At the end of our fingertips lies a wealth of information. No topic goes unexplored in the world beyond the screens of our phones. We walk through town with our eyes glued to our phones and headphones in our ears – an island floating among a sea of disconnected islands. However, we are not “brains in a jar,” nor are we “jump drives in jeans.” We are made in the image of the triune God – the Father, Son, and Spirit who for eternity enjoyed one another. We are made part of the body of Christ, organically united to Christ our Head and to one another. This means that for information to become transformation, we must have a measure of community – communion with the triune God and communion with one another.
Each week, our church provides opportunities for such in our regular worship, our Sunday School, our Prayer Meetings, and so on. However, one group has proven exceptionally fun, free, and fruitful over the years – that being our FEAST Groups. FEAST means “Friends Eating and Studying Together.” Over the last two years, I have watched families share a meal and share their lives together around God’s Word and be transformed in the process. As we enter this third year, our theme will be “Covenant.” Covenant has been the theme which has transformed my own reading of Scripture and personal walk with Christ; therefore, we will read some short, recently published books that deal with covenant in terms of Scripture, theology, and practical application (baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and life in the covenant community we call “church”).
Now, the big question – what to expect? Every second and fourth Thursday evening of the month, we will meet at the home of one of our church family. Each person will bring something to eat, and we will spend the first half eating and fellowshipping together. The second half will be devoted to discussing pages from our books for the year. The discussion is low pressure, allowing our past experiences and present struggles interact with the truth before us. The discussion isn’t to see how much we know; the discussion aims to ask how we all can grow, and grow together.
If you have never participated in our FEAST Groups, they are a most treasured time. I would encourage you all to come once or twice, get your feet wet, and feast with us!