A Strange New World
Zachery Byrd Zachery Byrd

A Strange New World

By all accounts, the world we inhabit today is strange and foreign to us, yet it is as near and familiar as the air we breathe. How can we understand this generation? And how can we respond?

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Voices of the Past
Zachery Byrd Zachery Byrd

Voices of the Past

As we look forward to a new year, how can old voices provide us with new spiritual growth?

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Rejoice and Tremble
Zachery Byrd Zachery Byrd

Rejoice and Tremble

What comes to mind when you hear “the fear of the Lord”? What if I told you that these words are good news to fearful saints?

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Gospel Shaped Marriage
Zachery Byrd Zachery Byrd

Gospel Shaped Marriage

Marriage can be both the greatest joy and the biggest challenge, but the Gospel provides us “grace for sinners to love like saints.” How can we better have a gospel shaped marriage?

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Side By Side
Zachery Byrd Zachery Byrd

Side By Side

In this book, Ed Welch walks us through the essential skills necessary to help one another, to walk through issues “side by side.”

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The Pearl of Christian Comfort
Zachery Byrd Zachery Byrd

The Pearl of Christian Comfort

In an updated classic, Petrus Dantheus employs a casual conversation as a great balm of Christian comfort for a weak and wounded soul.

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The Prodigal God
Zachery Byrd Zachery Byrd

The Prodigal God

In retelling the classic story of the Prodigal Son, Keller points us to two lost sons and one seeking Father.

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Get Real
Zachery Byrd Zachery Byrd

Get Real

Evangelism always feels awkward, but what if it could be more natural? What if we could “get real?”

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Covenants Made Simple
Zachery Byrd Zachery Byrd

Covenants Made Simple

It has often been said that “God deals with man only through covenants.” If so, why do we hear so little of them? Jonty Rhodes seeks to alleviate that problem through a brief book loaded with carefully crafted graphics, insightful anecdotes, and a host of familiar words and phrases.

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Zachery Byrd Zachery Byrd


Watching and waiting are not two verbs often employed in our fast-paced society, yet how much trouble would be saved if we spent a little time watching? Herein lies the task which Brian Hedges calls us.

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Embodied Hope
Zachery Byrd Zachery Byrd

Embodied Hope

Chronic pain is something which we all face, which we all grow tired of, and which we all know little of how to minister. How can we what we know of the gospel and apply these truths to a million back aches, doctor visits, and pain-filled mornings?

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Christ Humbled yet Exalted
Zachery Byrd Zachery Byrd

Christ Humbled yet Exalted

In Christ Humbled yet Exalted, Flavel takes believers from Christ’s humiliation to his heavenly exalted - a path trod by all believers. Along the way, see the great salvation accomplished by our dear Savior.

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Zachery Byrd Zachery Byrd


Maturity is a goal we all have that we sometimes fail to aim at properly. How can Sinclair Ferguson help us to be mature?

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The Crook in the Lot
Zachery Byrd Zachery Byrd

The Crook in the Lot

Suffering is inevitable. How to we understand suffering while confessing a good God? Better yet, how do we learn to live with it?

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