Why Do We Get Wet?
“For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” (Gal. 3:27)
As a Presbyterian, my brothers in Christ often assail me with two questions – predestination and baptism. The former we will take up another day, but the latter is of pressing importance. For as many times as the baptism issue has been raised, I have heard every question under the sun about “how,” but I have never been asked “why?” (Isn’t it human nature to miss the forest for the trees?) Why is baptism important, and why does baptism have an ongoing significance in the life of the Christian?
Baptism is not primarily a sign of how we have committed ourselves to Christ; baptism is primarily a sign of how Christ has committed Himself to us. Often, this is the way baptism is portrayed. “Look, I have committed myself to Jesus! Look, Jesus! I do love you!” Let me be blunt – God sees the heart. God does not need His eyesight strengthened, but we need our faith strengthened. Don’t we? When Abram’s faith was weak, God came down and walked between the pieces in order to strengthen his faith (Gen. 15:7ff). Christ does the same for us. Paul will say that we have been “buried with Him in baptism” (Rom. 6:3-4). Well, I’m turning 35 this month, not 2002. I was not on Calvary’s hill, nor was I hanging next to my Savior. But Paul says that we were there. How? Because = Christ died as a representative of His people. Every gasp of breath and drop of blood was for us and for our salvation. When we are baptized “into Christ,” we are baptized into His work as our representative.
Baptism is not primarily a sign of how we will bless Christ; baptism is a sign of how Christ will bless us. Will we seek to bless the Lord through our faithfulness? I sure hope so! But is that how the Bible describes baptism? Baptism points to the remission of sins by His blood (Rev. 1:5), the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit (Tit. 3:5), of adoption into God’s family (Gal. 3:26-27), of resurrection (Rom. 6:5), and of our union with the church of God (1 Cor. 12:13). Are we seeing a trend here? These are not blessings which we promise to Him; these are blessings which He promises to us! Baptism impresses these realities into our life in a visible, tangible way for our encouragement in times of trouble.
When you find yourself in a time of temptation, remember your baptism and all the blessings represented by it. When you find yourself in a time of trial, remember your baptism and the Christ who committed Himself to you. When you find yourself walking in a manner not worthy of the gospel, remember your baptism and “the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” And if you haven’t been baptized, what are you waiting for?