Where Does Debt Go?

“If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared.” (Psalm 130:3-4)

In the Westminster Confession of Faith, faithful men attempted to put in succinct form what we believe about God. One phrase is states: “[God] forgives iniquity, transgression, and sin.” Beautiful! The whole of Scripture proclaims this message; however, we must ask a simple question. But what is forgiveness? The answer is not “to be forgiven,” for that does not actually define anything. What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is the remission or cancellation of a debt.

Let me put some concrete terms on this for a minute. If I were fishing with a friend on Short Road and accidentally broke his fishing pole, I would be embarrassed and apology profusely. Of course, this friend would forgive me. But what about the pole? The cost of repairing it does not vanish into an abysmal void (I believe we call that the national debt); no, someone has to pay for it. Thus, I have incurred a debt of one fishing pole. Here is where forgiveness comes in. When my friend forgives me, he assumes the cost of the pole. My friend cancels the debt by assuming the debt.

But what of our relationship with God? When we sin, when we miss the mark, when we transgress God’s law, we incur a moral debt. How big is the debt? When we sin against an infinite God, we acquire an infinite debt. Not only must we continue keeping the Law personally, perpetually, and perfectly, but we must also pay the debt. But how? If the Law covers every aspect of our life, how can we do any extra to pay off the debt? We cannot exactly work “extra hours” to merit forgiveness. No, God must forgive us. God must assume the debt. The debt does not disappear by sleight of hand nor disappear into some void, for God is perfectly righteous. No, the debt must be assumed by someone, and that Someone is Jesus Christ.

As fully man, Jesus Christ can assume our debt. He can fulfill the Law and pay the debt through his personal, perpetually, perfect standing and suffering. As fully God, He is of infinite value and efficacy to His suffering and obedience that His life and death may purchase to us an everlasting inheritance. The debt does not go away! The debt goes to Calvary, the debt goes to the cross, the debt goes to Jesus Christ! With Him, there is plentiful redemption!

Is this not a reason to rejoice? If Jesus has assumed such a massive debt for us, there is nothing He cannot ask of us. He does not ask for our Sunday only, nor does He ask for 10%. Jesus paid it all; therefore, Jesus requires all. We who were once slaves to sin are now slaves to righteousness. We who were once in debt up to our eyeballs forgive the lesser debts committed against us. We who once followed the course of this world now follow our precious Savior. We are not our own but belong to Him altogether. Fear Him, revere Him, love Him, stand in awe before Him!


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