No Government, No Growth
“As they went on their way through the cities, they delivered to them for observance the decisions that had been reached by the apostles and elders who were in Jerusalem. So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and they increased in numbers daily.” (Acts 16:4-5)
Ronald Reagan once said: "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help." This statement should break our hearts, shouldn’t it? Shouldn’t it? When God instituted a civil government in the days of Noah, the purpose was limited to protect the peace and purity of mankind (Gen. 9:5-7). God entrusted human governments with the sword to both author laws and to enforce laws to protect the good and punish the wicked. So purposeful was God’s intention behind government that God refers to them as His “servant for your good.” (Rom. 13:4). Now when you have no water, no trash pick-up, and more potholes than the moon has craters, government doesn’t seem like much of a gift, does it?
What about church government? What we find in the book of Acts is that church government is a vital aspect of church growth. No church government, no church growth. In Acts 15, there is a complication, a hotly debated issue that is ruining the peace and purity of the Church. Therefore, the local churches elect representatives to debate the issue. Church government should be a representative government, led by a plurality of representatives. This has been God’s pattern throughout Scripture. When Adam sinned, we all fell with him because he was our representative. When Christ was buried and raised, Paul will say that we were buried and raised with Him because He is our representative. As our redemption is by representation, so our church government is by representation.
But how do these representatives deal with the issue? The government has the sword and makes laws. They have force! What can the church do? The government may have the sword, but we have something mightier – the Spirit. Instead of writing a new law, the elders simply declare what Christ has already revealed in the Scriptures. The decisions of these representatives are binding upon the entirety of the church. What a gift this is! We do not live under spiritual dictators; we live under godly ambassadors who simply declare the will of our righteous and gracious King.
Debates, decisions – does that sound like a gift to you? Well, the churches were strengthened and increased in numbers daily. Peace and purity was restored! Do you want your faith strengthened? Do you want to see your church increase daily? Do you want your church to be defined by peace? Be a good citizen of Christ’s kingdom. Cultivate grace and knowledge in future leaders and pray for those currently representing you in Christ’s court. When a decision comes, trust the God who gave the government and support it to the best of your ability. Let’s see good government and good growth.