New Series: The Church
An army and a mob may have the same number of men, but the same cannot be said of effectiveness. Why do armies conquer while mobs are quelled? Why do arms go down in history while mobs dissolve into insignificance? The answer is simple, isn’t it? Armies have guidance, goals, and stated objectives; mobs do not. Now tell me - is the church an army or a mob? Or to be more pointed - what exactly is the church?
From Genesis onward, God constitutes the church as a body of believers in Christ, called by the gospel out of the world and into the covenant of grace. The God who redeems a people organizes a people, guides a people, supplies a people, and commissions a people for a set purpose. The Redeemer and Head of this body did not leave the church to mob rule; instead, He clearly established her necessary articles in the Scriptures, exercising His authority by the Spirit. We can say with confidence that Jesus has provided all things necessary for the success of the Church, and we have 2,000 years of evidence to prove it!
But if this is the case, why is the Church in such disarray? Why does Church membership plummet around our country? Why does the Church send mixed messages? Why does the Church seem to have conflicting missions? Could it be that we have forgotten what the church actually is?
Over the next several months, our “Summer in Systematics” series will tackle the topic of the church. What is the church? Why does she have this particular shape? What is her mission? Why has she endured so long, and why is she still important? These are not ivory tower questions; these are questions which actively involve every person which longs to see the furthering of God’s kingdom in God’s way. The answer to these questions will shape how we function as a church together.
Join us as we grow in our knowledge and love of Christ’s bride - the Church. If you are interested in reading about the church over the summer, here are some choice books below! Feel free to drop by the office to either preview or borrow one.
Waters, Well Ordered, Living Well [Level: Easy]
Van Dam, The Deacon [Level: Easy]
Witmer, The Shepherd Leader [Level: Easy]
Cruse, What Happens When We Worship [Level: Easy]
Owen, Duties of Christian Fellowship [Level: Easy]
Waters, How Jesus Runs the Church [Level: Medium]
Kuiper, The Glorious Body of Christ [Level: Medium]
Waters, The Lord’s Supper [Level: Medium]
Bannerman, The Church of Christ [Level: Hard, but Fruitful]