God is Free

“Our God is in the heavens; He does all that He pleases.” (Psalm 115:3)

The psalmist contrasts two supposed “freedoms.” The latter is that of the false gods, of the idols. These are the works of human hands, bound and fastened by the whims and desires of human corruption. They have eyes, but do not see; ears, but do not hear; hands and feet, but do not move. Any movement, any knowledge must come from those who feed them. Or, as we say, they must hear it through the grape vine. You may say, “I am glad we aren’t so ignorant!” Well, I’m reminded of G.K. Chesterton who said that when one gets rid of God, the only thing big enough to fill the void is the government. I would be brave enough to add social media to that list. These echo chambers have become the proverbial ball and chain, haven’t they?

But the psalmist alludes to one more false freedom – man. Man? Aren’t we Americans? Land of the free? But how free are we? How many times have been hampered by our own finitude? We often lack the resources to accomplish our deepest dreams and most firm commitments. Or we are hindered by others - can’t get off work, can’t get permission, can’t, cant, can’t. Our freedom is full of can’ts! Dare I mention that he who sins is a slave of sin? Now, we understand the psalmist when he says, “Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Your name give glory.” (Psalm 115:1)

Our God is free. Why did God create the world? Because He wanted to. God wasn’t bound to, nor did God have to ask permission. He wasn’t limited in His resources; no, He was overflowing with goodness. Every lily of the field, every fruit on the vine, every song sung from our feathered friends is a free gift of our free and generous God. This raises a question - why did God save? Why did He send His Son to die for rebellious sinners? Out of His mere good pleasure. He was within His rights to punish each one of us, or as a dear friend would say, “to take us to the woodshed.” Yet God was free to save a people of His own choosing for His own glory because He is free. When we say that salvation is a free gift, it is 100% so. It stems from God’s free, gracious, generous mercy.

Do you know what this means? Salvation is not tethered to our worth. We cannot bind God to save us because of how good we are. No, God is free to save us despite how bad we are. We cannot bind God to answer our prayers because of how well we speak. No, God is free to answer our prayers despite how we jumble our words. In every possible way, God is free. Let that be an encouragement to us! God is free!!


God is Just


God Is Holy