Be Wise and Worship

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Aristotle once claimed: “Every action as well as every choice is held to aim at some good.” Within that broad category is how we use our time. The choice from our vantage point is never between good and evil; rather, the decision is between good and better. How we spend our time reflects our values, or it displays the “some good” of which we are seeking. How we use that time at the first of our day displays what is first in our heart. But what about the first of the week? Out of the millions of choices we could make on Sunday morning, why is worship the best decision? Because God said so. (Do I need to continue writing at this point?) God’s kindness is on display at this point. God is well within His rights to say, “Because I said so.” Many parents have appealed to their authority in the same way. God, however, provides us reasons for worship. We could say that God’s authority is reasonable. It makes sense. How does it make sense?

Worship is a necessity for our encouragement. We enter the kingdom of God through much tribulation – the battle against sin, the watchfulness against Satan, the inaptitude of the flesh against spiritual things. This is added to the broken hearts that sit in every pew, laden with the grief and sorrow that is common to every man. Jim Gaffigan’s description of having many children applies to our many burdens, “It’s like you are drowning, and someone hands you a baby.” Worship provides an opportunity to stir up one another to love for Christ. To hear His praises sung, to hear His promises proclaimed, to see His presence working in and among His people – do these not encourage you? Worship lifts us out of the muck of life and places our feet on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ, settling our hearts in the heavenly places where He is seated. God established worship because He knows that sinful human beings need to draw strength from His glory.

But more than encouragement, worship is a necessity for our preservation. The Day is drawing near. I am no prophet, but the signs of the times should press upon us a need for preservation. The God who elected us from before the foundation of the world preserves us until the end of it. How does He do that? Through the means of grace – preaching, prayer, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper. These are the tools by which the Spirit strengthens and upholds His people, and we find them all in worship. Let me say it clearly – don’t expect to worship in heaven for eternity if you cannot do it for an hour on earth.

Redeem the time, for the days are evil. Let us pursue the most good by worshipping our good, good God. He has given this privilege to us and for our salvation. We would do well to trust the wisdom and goodness of God and worship.


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