All Means All
“In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will,” (Eph. 1:11)
After a summer of thinking about the Church, let us return to our original discussion – who is God? Thus far, we have said that God is. God is both one and triune. God is simple, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable. God is almighty and all-wise, most holy, most free, most just. God is love, and He is supremely lovely. Yes, we have said a great deal about God, but we have also said dreadfully little. Many of these attributes can be found at work in one of my favorite passages – Ephesians 1:11. What can we say about the inheritance that we’ve received?
One, we have been “predestined” for this inheritance. What a beautiful expression! When Adam sinned, we sinned in and with him. God is just, and we are sinners. We were destined for wrath under the righteous verdict of a just God. However, out of His free mercy, our God predestined His people to receive an inheritance, to be coheirs with Christ, to be destined for heaven. Our inheritance does not rest upon our works, upon our doings, upon our strivings; no, it rests upon His free grace.
Two, we have “received an inheritance.” In Raymond, a number of dear friends live in the same house they were born in. They did not build the house, nor did they buy the house. They received it as an inheritance because of their parents’ labor. In the same way, we have received an inheritance that we have not earned. The Father sent the Son to earn our freedom and secure our inheritance, and the Spirit takes that very inheritance belonging to Christ and gives it to us.
Three, our inheritance is according to “Him who works all things.” All means all. From the magnitude of stars to the multitude of life, each come from God’s almighty power. He creates, He sustains, He governs, He guides all things by the “word of His power.” And yet, when Paul wants to demonstrate the power of God, where does he turn? To the cross. Our redemption from sin, the devil, and death display the power of God in hues of greater grandeur than those within this created world. Peter tells us that our “inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarded.” (1 Peter 1:4)
And finally, our inheritance is “according to the counsel of His will.” Many poor souls have lost an inheritance through a legal knot that they could not untie. The wisdom that ordered this world and redeemed this people is far greater than any wisdom found upon this earth. So foolish is this world that they crucified the Lord of Glory, that they cast aside the prized Pearl of Heaven. But so wise is our God that nothing will ever cast us away from our inheritance. The means and the end have both been arranged by His almighty wisdom.
My friends, we have a strong assurance today. Why? Because we have a strong God.