Join us as Rev. Dr. Paul Chinchen and Trey Porter from African Bible College details his labors in Liberia, Malawi, and Uganda during the Sunday School hour at 10:00 A.M. Afterwards, Rev. Dr. Paul Chinches will lead us in worship at 11:00 A.M. This will be an exciting time to hear of the work happening at African Bible College and share a meal together.
Rev. Dr. Paul D. Chinchen is the President of African Bible Colleges, and oversees the mission’s work in Malawi, Liberia and Uganda.
Paul and his wife Laura have been missionaries with African Bible Colleges for over 30 years. The Chinchens have five children, three of whom were born in Africa.
African Bible Colleges operates three Christian universities in Africa as well as four Christian radio stations, a television station, a Mission Hospital, and a Christian academy that runs from Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Paul is the founder of ABC’s Mission Hospital which sees over 70,000 patients a year, and the ABC Christian Academy which has 300 students enrolled from 27 countries. Paul also founded African Bible College’s Masters of Arts in Christian Leadership program, and co-founded the African Business Institute (ABI) which equips ABC graduates to start and run kingdom-minded enterprises.
Paul has degrees in Intercultural Studies and Missiology from Biola University and Reformed Theological Seminary, and a ThM and Doctorate in Missiology from Stellenbosch University in Cape Town, South Africa. Paul is ordained as a Minister of the Gospel in the Presbyterian Church in America.