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Mid-South Men's Rally

Join us on February 10, 2023 for the annual Mid-South Men’s Rally (Description Below). If you desire to attend, Zach will be leaving the church at 4:15p on Friday afternoon.

Our current culture of contempt, with its deep divides in society and the church makes it difficult to hold on to hope. Yet, woven into the fabric of Christianity is hope that enables us to persevere by faith. This hope is not simply an idea or wish. It is, as Herman Bavinck writes, “creational, this-worldly, visible, physical, bodily hope,” rooted in the incarnation of Jesus and validated by his resurrection.

Endure by Faith: Facing the Impossible | Hebrews 11:30-40

Endure by Faith: Pressing Our Privilege | Hebrews 13:1-16

February 8

How To Study the Bible

February 11

Men’s Prayer Breakfast